Short Introduction

I was born and raised in Athens, Greece. I studied Physics in the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.  I then moved to London to pursue my PhD in Physics at the Queen Mary University of London, after which I joined the Materials Science and Technology Division of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, in Tennessee, USA, as a Postdoctoral Associate. I was later employed at ORNL as staff in the Materials Science and Technology Division. I am currently staff in the Center for Nanophase Materials Science of ORNL. 

My research interests include material modification and functionalization, the materials' behavior in extreme conditions, the interactions of radiation with matter, microstructure alterations and evolution, structural materials and mechanical properties, material modification and functionalization, nuclear energy, behavior of disordered systems such as liquids and glasses. 

I am a member of the Early Career Editorial Board of the Nuclear Materials and Energy journal published by Elsevier, and Advisor for the JOM Journal, the journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), by Springer.

I am committed to promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in all aspects of my life.

Research experience


Professional Society Committees

Editorial Boards


Director's Award

UT-Battelle Awards Night 2022

Receiving the "Director's Award" from ORNL Director Dr. Thomas Zaharia 

"One ORNL" Award

UT-Battelle Awards Night 2022

Receiving the "One ORNL" Award from ORNL Deputy for Laboratory Operations Dr. Alan Icenhour

Outstanding Scholarly Output Team Award

 UT-Battelle Awards Night 2020

Team members (left to right): Christopher Rouleau, Eva Zarkadoula, Matthias Lorenz (UTK Faculty), Chenze Liu (UTK student), and Kai Xiao. Not pictured are David Geohegan, Yu-Chuan Lin, Yiling Yu, Mina Yoon, Alexander Puretzky, Liangbo Liang, Xiangru Kong, Yiyi Gu, Alex Strasser (Texas A&M student), Harry Meyer, Matthew Chisholm, Ilia Ivanov, and Gerd Duscher (UTK Faculty).