Book Chapters
R. E. Stoller, E. Zarkadoula, “Primary Radiation Damage Formation in Solids”, Comprehensive Nuclear Materials (Second Edition), Konings R.J.M. and Stoller R.E., Elsevier, 2020.
Technical Reports
A. Campbell, E. Cakmak, B. Henry, K. Johnson, D. Muzquiz, Y. Osetskiy, E. Paxton, S. Raiman, A. Willoughby, E. Zarkadoula, D. Holcomb, “Complete Degradation of Be2C at Conditions Expected in Molten Salt Environments,” ORNL/TM-2024/3624, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States), 2024.
A. Campbell, E. Cakmak, B. Henry, K. Johnson, D. Muzquiz, Y. Osetskiy, E. Paxton, S. Raiman, D. Sulejmanovic, E. Zarkadoula, D. Holcomb, "Be2C synthesis, properties, and ion-beam irradiation damage characterization", ORNL/TM-2023/3011, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States), 2023.
Refereed Journal Publications
X. Han, S. Pan, Z. Zhu, M. L. Crespillo, E. Zarkadoula*, Y. Liu, P. Liu, “Underlying mechanism of structural transformation between GaSb and GaAs response to intense electronic excitation,” Mater. Des., 248, 113505, 2024.
G. Velisa, D. Iancu, E. Zarkadoula, Y. Tong, Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber, "Ion velocity effect governs damage annealing process in defective KTaO3," J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 57, 365303, 2024.
X. Han, R. Li, S. Pan, Y. Liu, C. Niu, M.L. Crespillo, E. Zarkadoula, P. Liu, "Tailoring the Electronic Structures and Spectral Properties of ZnO with Irradiation Defects Generated Under Intense Electronic Excitation: A Combined Experimental and DFT Approach," Adv. Funct. Mater, 2405885, 2024.
A.K. Gupta, E. Zarkadoula, M. Ziatdinov, S.V. Kalinin, V.R. Paduri, J.A. Hachtel, Y. Zhang, C. Trautmann, W. J. Weber and R. Sachan, "Nanoscale core–shell structure and recrystallization of swift heavy ion tracks in SrTiO3," Nanoscale, 16, 14366-14377, 2024.
M. D. Mihai, D. Iancu, E. Zarkadoula, R. A. Florin, Y. Tong, Y. Zhang, W.J. Weber, G. Velişa, "Athermal annealing of pre-existing defects in crystalline silicon", Acta Mater., 261, 119379, 2023.
G. D. Samolyuk, E. Zarkadoula, C. Lau, A. Kumar, J. Rapp, M. Eisenbach, Y. Osetsky, "Crystallographic and temperature effects in low-energy collisions for plasma–material interactions", Materialia, 32, 101886, 2023.
M. Kempner, J. M. Sestito, Y. Wang, E. Zarkadoula, "Molecular dynamics simulations of cascade events in AlN", Results in Materials, 17, 100383, 2023.
Y. Liu, J. Sun, X. Han, Q. Huang, E. Zarkadoula, M. L. Crespillo, N. Gao, X. Wang, P. Liu “Microstructure and hardness evolution induced by annealing of ion irradiated LiTaO3”, Appl. Surf. Sci. 614, 156222, 2023.
D. Iancu, E. Zarkadoula, M. D. Mihai, C. Burducea, I. Burducea, M. Straticiuc, Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber, G. Velişa, "Revealing two-stage phase transition process in defective KTaO3 under inelastic interactions", Scr. Mater. 222, 115032, 2023.
X. Han, E. Zarkadoula, M. L. Crespillo, Q. Huang, S. Pan, C. Liu, M. Zhang, “Structural Damage and Recrystallization Response of Garnet Crystals to Intense Electronic Excitation”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2212853, 2023.
X. Han, E. Zarkadoula, Q. Huang, M. L. Crespillo, C. Liu, M. Zhang, X. Wang, P. Liu, “Nanostructures evolution assessment and spectroscopic properties modification induced by electronic energy loss in KTaO3 crystal”, Mater. & Des., 223, 111248, 2022.
B. LaRiviere, P. Ramuhalli, F. K. Reed, P. C. Joshi, M. N. Ericson, T. Aytug, M. L. Crespillo, S. J. Zinkle, W. J. Weber, E. Zarkadoula, “Irradiation-induced Degradation of Surface Acoustic Wave Devices Fabricated on Bulk AlN”, Trans Device Mater Reliab., 2022
X. Han, E. Zarkadoula, Q. Huang, M. L. Crespillo, X. Wang, P. Liu, "Concentric core-shell tracks and spectroscopic properties of SrTiO3 under intense electronic excitation ", Nano Today 46, 101612, 2022.
H. Sun, E. Zarkadoula, M. L. Crespillo, W. J. Weber, V. Rathod, S. J. Zinkle, P. Ramuhalli, "Laser Doppler vibrometry for piezoelectric coefficient (d33) measurements in irradiated aluminum nitride", Sens. Actuator A Phys. 113886, 2022.
Y. Osetsky, MH. Du, G. Samolyuk, S. J. Zinkle, E. Zarkadoula, "Native and radiation induced point defects in AlN and Sc-doped AlN", Phys. Rev. Mater. 6 (9), 094603, 2022
E. Zarkadoula, Y. Yang, A. Borisevich, E. George, "Effects of precipitate size and spacing on deformation-induced fcc to bcc phase transformation", Mater. Res. Lett. 10 (9), 585-592, 2022.
J. M. Sestito, M. Kempner, T. A. L. Harris, E. Zarkadoula, Y. Wang, “Development of Aluminum Scandium Nitride Molecular Dynamics Force Fields with Scalable Multi-Objective Bayesian Optimization” JOM Special Issue on Machine Learning and New Paradigms in Computational Materials Research, 1-11, 2022.
E. Zarkadoula, Y. Shinohara, T. Egami, “X-ray free-electron laser heating of water at picosecond time-scale”, Phys. Rev. Res., 4, 013022, 2022.
X. Han, Q. Huang, M. L. Crespillo, E. Zarkadoula, Y. Liu, X. Wang, Peng Liu, “Electronic energy loss and ion velocity correlation effects in track production in swift-ion-irradiated LiNbO3: A quantitative assessment between structural damage morphology and energy deposition”, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 116, 30-40, 2022.
G. Velisa, E. Zarkadoula, D. Iancu, M. D. Mihai, C. Grygiel, B. Kombaiah, Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber “Near-surface modification of defective KTaO3 by ionizing ion irradiation”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 54, 37, 2021.
Y. Liu, X. Han, Q. Huang, M. L. Crespillo, P. Liu, E. Zarkadoula, X. Wang, “Structural damage response of lanthanum and yttrium aluminate crystals to nuclear collisions and electronic excitation: threshold assessment of irradiation damage”, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 90, 95-107, 2021.
L. Nuckols, M. L. Crespillo, Y. Yang, J. Li, E. Zarkadoula, Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber, “Effects of recoil spectra and electronic energy dissipation on defect survival in 3C-SiC”, Materialia, 15, 101023, 2021.
E. Zarkadoula, G. Samolyuk, W. J. Weber, “Electronic stopping in molecular dynamics simulations of cascades in 3C-SiC”, J. Nucl. Mater. 540, 152371, 2020.
J. R. Morris, M. C. Troparevsky, L. J. Santodonato, E. Zarkadoula, A. Kulovits, “Predicting phase behavior in high entropy and chemically complex alloys”, Mater. Charact., 110719, 2020.
L. Nuckols, M. L. Crespillo, C. Xu, E. Zarkadoula, Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber, “Coupled effects of electronic and nuclear energy deposition on damage accumulation in ion-irradiated SiC”, Acta Mater. 199, 96-106, 2020.
X. Han, Y. Liu, M. L. Crespillo, E. Zarkadoula, Q. Huang, X. Wang, P. Liu, “Latent Tracks in Ion-Irradiated LiTaO3 Crystals: Damage Morphology Characterization and Thermal Spike Analysis”, Crystals 10, 10, 877, 2020.
Y.C. Lin, C. Liu, Y. Yu, E. Zarkadoula, Y. Yoon, A. A. Puretzky, L. Liang, X. Kong, Y. Gu, A. Strasser, H. M. Meyer III, M. Lorenz, M. F. Chisholm, I. N. Ivanov, C. N. Rouleau, G. Duscher, K. Xiao, D. B. Geohegan, “Low Energy Implantation into Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers to Form Janus Structures”, ACS nano, 14 (4), 3896-3906, 2020.
E. Zarkadoula, Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber, “Molecular dynamics simulations of the response of pre-damaged SrTiO3 and KTaO3 to fast heavy ions”, AIP Adv. 10, 1, 015019, 2020.
E. Zarkadoula, G. Samolyuk, W. J. Weber, “Effects of electron-phonon coupling on damage accumulation in molecular dynamics simulations of irradiated nickel”, Mater. Res. Lett. 7, 490-495, 2019.
W. J. Weber, H. Xue, E. Zarkadoula and Y. Zhang, “Two regimes of ionization-induced recovery in SrTiO3 under irradiation”, Scripta Mater., 173, 154-157, 2019.
E. Zarkadoula, G. Samolyuk, W. J. Weber, “Effects of electron-phonon coupling and electronic thermal conductivity in high energy molecular dynamics simulations of irradiation cascades in nickel”, Comput. Mater. Sci. 162, 156-161, 2019.
H. Xue, E. Zarkadoula, E. Sachan, Y. Zhang, C. Trautmann, C., W. J. Weber, “Synergistically-enhanced ion track formation in pre-damaged strontium titanate by energetic heavy ions”, Acta Materialia, 150, 351-359, 2018.
R. Sachan, E. Zarkadoula, X. Ou, C. Trautmann, Y. Zhang, M. F. Chisholm, and W. J. Weber ,“Sculpting Nanoscale Functional Channels in Complex Oxides Using Energetic Ions and Electrons”, ACS Applied Materials Research & Interfaces, 10, 16731-16738, 2018.
S. Jesse, B. Hudak, E. Zarkadoula, J. Song, A. Maksov, M. Fuentes-Cabrera, P. Ganesh, I. Kravchenko, P. Snijders, A. Lupini, A. Borisevich, and S. Kalinin, “Direct atomic fabrication and dopant positioning in Si using electron beams with active real time image-based feedback”, Nanotechnology, 29, 255303, 2018.
E. Zarkadoula, G. Samolyuk, W. J. Weber, “Effects of electronic excitation in 150 keV Ni ion irradiation of metallic systems”, AIP Adv., 8, 015121, 2018.
Y. Zhang, H. Xue, E. Zarkadoula, R. Sachan, C. Ostrouchov, P. Liu, X. Wang, S. Zhang, T. S. Wang, and W. J. Weber, “Coupled electronic and atomic effects on defect evolution in silicon carbide under ion irradiation”, Curr. Opin. Solid State Mater. Sci., 21, 285-298, 2017.
N. Jiang, E. Zarkadoula, P. Narang, A. Maksov, I. Kravchenko, A. Borisevich, S. Jesse, and S. V. Kalinin, “Atom-by-atom fabrication by electron beam via induced phase transformations”, MRS Bulletin, 42, 9, 2017.
E. Zarkadoula, G. Samolyuk, W. J. Weber, “Effects of electronic excitation on cascade dynamics in nickel-iron and nickel-palladium systems”, Scripta Mater., 138, 124-129, 2017.
E. Zarkadoula, G. Samolyuk, W. J. Weber, “Effects of the electron-phonon coupling activation in collision cascades”, J. Nucl. Mater., 490, 317-322, 2017.
H. Xue, E. Zarkadoula, P. Liu, J. Ke, Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber, “Amorphization due to electronic energy deposition in defective Strontium titanate”, Acta Materialia, 127, 400-406, 2017.
E. Zarkadoula, G. Samolyuk, W. J. Weber, “Two-temperature model in molecular dynamics simulations of cascades in Ni-based alloys”, J. Alloys Compd., 700, 106-112, 2017.
E. Zarkadoula, J. Ke, Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber, “Synergistic effects of nuclear and electronic energy loss in KTaO3 under ion irradiation”, AIP Adv., 7, 015016, 2017.
E. Zarkadoula, G. Samolyuk, H. Xue, H. Bei, and W. J. Weber, “Effects of two-temperature model on cascade evolution in Ni and NiFe”, Scripta Mater., 124, 6-10, 2016.
R. Sachan, E. Zarkadoula, M. Lang, C. Trautmann, Y. Zhang, M. F. Chisholm, W. J. Weber, “Insights on dramatic radial fluctuations in track formation by energetic ions”, Sci. Rep., 6, 27196, 2016.
E. Zarkadoula, H. Xue, Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber, “Synergy of inelastic and elastic energy loss: Temperature effects and electronic stopping power dependence”, Scripta Mater., 110, 2-5, 2016.
E. Zarkadoula, M. Toulemonde, W. J. Weber, “Additive effects of electronic and nuclear energy losses in irradiation-induced amorphization of zircon”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 261902, 2015.
D. S. Aidhy, R. Sachan, E. Zarkadoula, O. Pakarinen, M. F. Chisholm, Y. Zhang, Y., and W. J. Weber, “Fast ion conductivity in strained defect-fluorite structure created by ion tracks in Gd2Ti2O7”, Sci. Rep., 5, 16297, 2015.
E. Zarkadoula, O. Pakarinen, H. Xue, Y. Zhang, and W.J. Weber, “Predictive Modeling of Synergistic Effects in Nanoscale Ion Track Formation”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17, 22538 - 22542, 2015.
E. Zarkadoula, D. M. Duffy, K. Nordlund, M. Seaton, I. T. Todorov, W. J. Weber, and K. Trachenko, “Electronic effects in high-energy radiation damage in tungsten”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 27, 135401, 2015.
W. J. Weber, E. Zarkadoula, O. Pakarinen, R. Sachan, M. F. Chisholm, P. Liu, H. Xue, K. Jin, and Y. Zhang, “Synergy of elastic and inelastic energy loss on ion track formation in SrTiO3”, Sci. Rep., 5, 7726, 2015.
C. Yang, E. Zarkadoula, M. T. Dove, I. T. Todorov, T. Geisler, V. V. Brazhkin, and K. Trachenko, “Solid-state diffusion in amorphous zirconolite”, J. Appl. Phys., 116, 184901, 2014.
E. Zarkadoula, R. Devanathan, R., M. Seaton, I. T. Todorov, W. J. Weber, K. Nordlund, M. T. Dove, and K. Trachenko, “High-energy radiation damage in zirconia”, J. Appl. Phys., 115, 083507, 2014.
E. Zarkadoula, S. L. Daraszewicz, D. M. Duffy, M. Seaton, I. T. Todorov, M. T. Dove, K. Nordlund, and K. Trachenko, “Electronic effects in high-energy radiation damage in iron”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 26, 085401, 2014.
E. I. Andritsos, E. Zarkadoula, A. E. Phillips, M. T. Dove, C. J. Walker, V. V. Brazhkin, and K. Trachenko, “Heat capacity of matter beyond the Dulong-Petit value”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 25, 235401, 2013, IoP Select.
E. Zarkadoula, S. L. Daraszewicz, D. M. Duffy, M. Seaton, I. T. Todorov, M. T. Dove, K. Nordlund, and K. Trachenko “The nature of high-energy radiation damage in iron”n J. Phys.: Condens. Mat, 25, 125402 2013, IoP Select.
K. Trachenko, E. Zarkadoula, I. T. Todorov, M. T. Dove, and K. Nordlund, “Modeling high-energy radiation damage in nuclear and fusion applications”, Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B, 277 (15), 6-13, 2012.
E. Zarkadoula, S. Sharma, J. K. Dewhurst, E. K. U. Gross, and N. N. Lathiotakis, “Ionization potentials and electron affinities from reduced density matrix functional theory”, Phys. Rev. A, 85:032504, 2012.